Oral b coupons – Save up to $20
There are a total of three new Oral b coupons this month that you may find useful. These include a $20 off Costco coupon, a $3 off amazon coupon and a $10 off redplum insert coupon.
- Getting things started off is this $3 off Oral b coupon from Amazon. It can be used when purchasing any Oral b adult battery powered electric toothbrush and expires on May 15th 2013. This is an online coupon and can only be used on Amazon. I’ve linked to the coupon below just click on the image to clip the voucher.
- There are two Oral b coupons available from Costco this month these include a $20 off Oral b professional care toothbrush coupon and a $7 off Replacement brush heads voucher. Both of these are valid until May 5th 2013 and can be found at http://www.costco.com/warehouse-instant-savings.html
- Finally there is a $10/1 Oral-B Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush coupon in the 4/7 Redplum insert. This one can be found in your local Sunday newspapers. Just clip the coupon and use it at any retailer that sells the Oral b.